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Verifying Education and Employment in the US, UK, Australia, Canada and European Countries

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EduVerifi FAQs

What does EduVerifi mean?
At Eduverifi, we specialize in verifying your identity, banking information, and educational credentials. Our goal is to bolster your future pursuits in education and employment by ensuring credibility and authenticity through our verification process.
How does EduVerifi work?

The process is entirely online. You’ll need to upload all required documents following the provided instructions. Your case will then be assigned to an assessing officer. If any clarification is necessary, they may reach out to you via phone or email.

Ensure you submit all requested documents through the system. Once assessed, the Australian Final Assessment team will generate and send the verification document directly to your registered email.

Do I need to attend an interview for verification?
Whether you’ll need to attend an interview depends on the information you provide. If our assessing officer requires clarification or additional details, they may schedule a video or voice call with you to verify the information provided.
How will I receive the verification report?
Once the verification process is complete, our assessing team will email you the report. If you experience any delays, please reach out to us at and mention your registration number for assistance.
How long is the verification report valid?
The verification report is valid for 12 months. After this period, you will need to initiate the verification process again.
Is my information secure?
Absolutely. We prioritise the security of your data. Our servers are equipped with robust privacy and security measures to ensure compliance with data policies.
Can I reapply for verification?
Yes, you can reapply for verification if your previous verification attempt failed or if your verification report has expired.
I lost my verification report, do I need to reapply again?

If you are unable to find your report, please send us an email to from your registered email address and attach your date of birth proof with a photograph (like ID card, etc.).

If you are not able to do it via your registered email, you will need to restart your application.

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